Hachinohe Local Karuta Cards, English Version (translated by @8door_tourism)
Hachinohe Local Karuta Cards were originally created by local high school students to introduce more attractions of Hachinohe City. The cards have charming illustrations on them, and their affection towards the city.
あ | 青葉湖は 四季折々の 美しさ Lake Aoba, boasting seasonal scenic beauties |
い | いちご煮は 風味豊かな 海の幸 Ichigo-ni, richly flavored seafood soup of sea urchin and abalone |
う | うみねこが 鳴き声響かせ 春が来る Umineko, black-tailed gulls, singing to harbinger spring |
え | えんぶりで 豊年祈願 春を呼ぶ Hachinohe Enburi, calling spring and praying for good harvest |
お | おんであんせ 八戸みやげは 八食センター Hasshoku Center, welcoming visitors buying Hachinohe’s souvenirs and specialties |
か | 合掌土偶 縄文からの おくりもの Gassho Dogu, clay figurine in prayer, a precious treasure from late Jomon Period |
き | 奇跡の鳥居 伝説残す 弁天島 Benten-jima, conveying miracle of revived Torii Gate |
く | グレットタワー 八戸一望 夢いっぱい Gretto Tower, commanding Hachinohe’s panoramic view and inspiring dreams |
け | けっぱれ ヴァンラーレ 八戸 Vanraure Hachinohe FC, never give up and hang tough |
こ | 国宝の 赤白二つの 大よろい Red and white suits of medieval armors, national treasures giving beauties and dignities |
さ | 三社大祭 伝統受けつぎ 三百年 Hachinohe Sansha Taisai Festival, taking over 300-year history and tradition |
し | シンボルは からくり時計 みんなの「はっち」 “HACCHI”, popular with everyone along with its symbolic gimmick clock |
す | スケートの 新たな聖地 屋内リンク YS Arena, indoor skating rink, Hachinohe’s new sacred ground of skate |
せ | せんべい汁 B-1グランプリで 日本一 Senbei-jiru, awarded wheat cracker soup of B-1 Gourmet Grand Prix |
そ | そらにさく 大輪の花 八戸花火 Hachinohe Fireworks, displaying large brightly-colored flowers in summer sky |
た | 種差海岸 緑の芝生と 青い海 Tanesashi Coast, main spot with contrasting beauties of green grass and blue ocean |
ち | 長者山 新羅神社に 騎馬打球 Kiba-dakyu, time-honored Japanese Polo, held at Chojasan Shinra Shrine |
つ | 津波から 命を守る 防災センター Tidal Wave Disaster Control Center, symbol of protecting lives from tsunami |
て | 伝統の 味わい広がる つるこ饅頭 Tsuruko Manju, local sweet filled with traditional flavor |
と | 虎舞に 頭をかまれ 福来たる Tora-mai, unique tiger dance, believed to bring in good luck by one’s head being bitten |
な | 南郷の 夏をいろどる ジャズの音 Nango Summer Jazz Festival, showcasing the summer of Nango countryside |
に | にぎやかに 笑顔あふれる 館鼻朝市 Tatehana Ganpeki Asaichi, Sunday morning market filled with vibrant and lively atmosphere |
ぬ | 温もりを 一針に込め 南部菱刺し Nanbu Hishizashi, traditional quilted cloth with every warm-hearted stitch |
ね | 根城跡 歴史に残る 百名城 Nejo Castle Site, one of the famous 100 castles in Japan with long history |
の | のどやかに 時代を映す 更上閣 Kojokaku, calmly-standing residence reminiscent of the wealthy merchant |
は | 春の風 花びらまいちる 八戸公園 Hachinohe Park, cherry blossoms fluttering down by spring wind |
ひ | ひまわりの 花咲き誇る 山の楽校 Yama-no-Gakko, rural former school with sunflowers in full bloom |
ふ | 降り注ぐ 朝日を浴びる 古代ハス Ancient Lotus, basking in morning sunlight showering down |
へ | 平安な しらべ響かせ 八戸小唄 Hachinohe Kouta, local ballad resonating peaceful melody |
ほ | ほっこりと 素朴な味の 南部せんべい Nanbu Senbei, local wheat cracker with simple and nostalgic taste |
ま | 街の夜 ひときわにぎわう みろく横丁 Miroku Yokocho, night alleyway crowded with the locals and tourists |
み | みんみんと ならわず岳から せみの声 Narawazu-dake Hill, place for relaxation with cicadas singing here and there |
む | むつみなと イサバのカッチャが おでむかえ Mutsu-minato, mecca for weekday’s morning market with unique stone statue welcoming you |
め | 麺のコシ 煮干しの香る 八戸ラーメン Hachinohe Ramen, featuring chewy noodle texture and flavor of dried sardine |
も | ものがたり 歴史をつなぐ 博物館 Hachinohe City Museum, passing down on histories from generation to generation |
や | 八幡馬 八戸誇る 木彫馬 Yawata-uma, horse-shaped wooden figurine representative of Hachinohe |
ゆ | ゆらゆらと 明かりが灯る いかつり漁船 Squid fishing boat, flickering off the coast of Hachinohe |
よ | 義経伝説 りりしき毘沙門 小田八幡宮 Koda Hachiman Shrine, reminiscent of Yoshitsune’s Flight North, housing gallant Bishamonten statue |
ら | 来往の 船を見守る 鮫角灯台 Samekado Lighthouse, watching all passing boats and ships |
り | 臨海の 夜景スポット 工業地帯 Waterfront Industrial Area, popular spot of Hachinohe’s night view |
る | 瑠璃色の 海が広がる 蕪嶋神社 Kabushima Shrine, overlooking ultramarine blue waters |
れ | 令和元年 思い新たに 郷土のかるた Local Karuta Cards, renewed in time with new start of Reiwa era (2019) |
ろ | 露天掘り 大迫力の 八戸キャニオン Hachinohe Canyon, open-cut mine commanding a panoramic view |
わ | 笑い声 あふれるマチニワ いこいの場 Machiniwa, Hachinohe’s new public city square, filled with laughter |
Any inquiries on your tour arrangements are highly appreciated.